
Day 38

*Can you tell I live on a dirt road....It looks like I have a two-tone car!

*Mom left Tundra & Sekoia in the house today for a few hours by themselves...apparently they decided they wanted to sleep on my bed UNDER the covers...my bed was made when Mom left.... hmmmmmmm.......

*I forgot to publish this one on the night we took our xmas pics. Sekoia posed the entire time the camera was out. She likes to lay with her front paws crossed....so adorable.

Day 37 -- December 14

Well, I failed and forgot to take a picture today....I came home sick from work at 11am and cuddled on the couch the rest of the day....I did do my Wii Fit though.... :) yay! So I thought I'd add a throw-back video from this summer. This video is when Sekoia first met her 2nd best friend, Bella. They are 5 weeks apart...and adorable to watch play together! Bella likes to visit sometimes and see if Sekoia can come out and play...the bad part is, she doesn't always ask her parents first and seems to come by way of the neighbor's pond...OOPS!

Day 36 -- December 13

There were too many pictures to post on here for today so I put them in an album.... It was a fellowship day too so we had lots of good food after church this morning. Plus, Karen & Cory announced that they are expecting! Amazing. God's power and love truly at work! Many prayers daily for a safe delivery next July!

Day 35 -- December 12

*Tundra hiding under the blankets to keep warm....

Day 34 -- December 11

*Christmas Picture Day!

*Christmas Picture Day! (The one we sent!)

*Christmas Picture Day! My Favorite....

*The Puppins.... Sekoia (L) - 11 months old; Tundra (R) - 7 years old

*How I started my day...my desks shoved against the wall...for no apparent reason...great!

Day 33 -- December 10

Took pics today of my very first SLR camera! Chey is using it for a photography class and it definitely was a trip down memory lane getting it back out! So nice to not have to use film cameras any more...Though it may be cool to see what kind of shots I could get now that I've had a lot more practice! ;)

*Canon Rebel X -- My beloved 1st camera!

Day 32 - December 9, 2009

Well... It's been a few days since I posted...

*Sekioa sleeping on her blue blanket!


Day 31 AGAIN

Well, I was getting ready to go to bed and I went into the kitchen and discovered that IT'S SNOWING! The kind of snow that sticks to the ground :) And it's not melting when it hits the ground! I already made a snowball! Yay! I just couldn't resist posting pictures quickly before I went to bed! I'm so excited! It's snowing, IT'S SNOWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There's nothing like waking up in the morning to newly fallen snow. LOVE IT.

Hopefully more pictures to come of the snow :) Here's what I got standing from the porch....(no shoes on...)

Day 31

Woo-Hoo! I've made it 31 days!!! Today I spent a little (and I mean a lot less than I should!) time behind my 50D. I need to spend time every day behind my Canon but I don't seem to make the time to do it. But when I do, I enjoy taking pictures so much more! And I love the results! Here are a few pics of what the holidays look like around the Jones household.

*One of our new ornaments! LOVE IT!

*Mom's Village -- I remember this from when I was so young! I also remember always getting yelled at for knocking the "snow" off it...hahaha

*Oh Christmas Tree....

*The stockings were hung by the chimney with care... Mom made these when we were little, along with the tree skirt! Isn't she talented!?!?! What's she going to do when she has grandkids.....

*All of our stockings....

Day 30 -- December 7

*Austin made me this jewelry box when he had extra time in his Carpentry Apprenticeship! It's so beautiful! I LOVE IT! He really has a gift of wood-working! He also jigsawed me the word "Inspire" a few years back and painted it white to go on my wall! He also recently made me this beautiful little 3-level shelf to use in my room. Can't wait to see what else he comes up with!

Day 29 -- December 6

Today was decoration day in the Jones household! Finally got the tree up and looking good :) It's always fun to go through the ornaments and remember the years we got the different ones (and for what reasons!). I love that we have that tradition! I'm also a big fan of the fact that we put blue lights and blue bulbs on the tree along with everything else just to make it a little more "me"....bahahaha ;) I <3 blue lights.

*Oh, how I love her....

*Mom's Corner...

*One of my many ornaments...look at the geometric shapes and all those colors!

*I have to admit, this ornament is Austin's....but I love it too! Wish I would have gotten a clearer pic...Still <3>

Day 28 -- December 5

*Not a great pic--but snapped through the car windshield at a stoplight while Chey and I were heading downtown A^2 to Mongolian BBQ. Downtown looks beautiful with all the white lights! It's the greatest time of year..... And Mongolian was pretty good too ;)

Day 27 -- December 4

*This is what I came home to today after school...Sekioa...with her cable wrapped several times around the hose thing...water bucket dumped, hole dug (see foreground of picture). Because of all this...she couldn't really move (or was scared to move) when I got home. What a puppy. If only she'd quit digging.... And chewing all the gloves.... And knocking over the water.... and digging... Oh joy. ;)

*Had a girls night with Nancy & Evelyn -- watched "Holiday in Handcuffs" -- BIG FAN! :) Caught this picture right before I was leaving and decided to play with it a little in photoshop. Not sure if I'm completely satisfied with the results yet, but I like it pretty well so far! (P.S. Isn't Evelyn beautiful!?!)


Day 26

The holidays are here! The house is decorated...The tree is going up this weekend.... We MAY even have lights on the outside of the house this year thanks to a big effort by Dad! Mom and I are enjoying the holiday movies on Lifetime, ABC Family and Disney and love of the family keeps the warmth going in our home! Mom has done a great job of getting the house "holiday-ready". Here is one of her new decorations with a favorite quote/family motto in the background! Cheers to the memories of the holidays! P.S. You remember the pillow search.... my mom didn't like that one either.... now she's returned 3... Will she EVER find a pillow to sleep on? The saga continues....

Day 25 -- December 2

*Austin cuddling with Tundra (L) and Sekoia (R)

*Austin playing Wii -- He knocked out over 40 mines and then forgot to save it...so he lost his record!!!

*Enjoying my Snuggie! Yes...It's pink...Pepto Bismol Pink. But it's sure cozy!

Day 24 -- December 1

It's December already!!!!! It's hard to believe it's December 1st and we haven't even really seen snow yet! It's so comforting to see all the lights on the houses and trees as you drive through the area! I love the holidays. With the colder weather comes my need to pick up my knitting/crocheting again (though I do it all spring and summer too!). I decided I am going to make a cable scarf (the start of which is below) and if all goes well, a matching cable hat and cable mittens. I've never made mittens before so this could get ugly.... P.S. You can never have too much yarn.....
*Cable Scarf So Far (after 1 week)...
*Dad and his Lazy-Boy chair....typical night!

Day 23 -- November 30

Played Wii today with Dad and Austin...Dad's first time bowling... He actually did pretty well! They seem to like to tell me what I'm doing wrong each time I bowl.... Hmmm...I still beat Dad though.... Also had a 3 hour meeting at the ISD about a future project-based program for seniors that I get to help plan! Hopefully we'll come up with some great ideas! I think we get to go check out a Microsoft school in Jan. in PA and an Apple school in April (don't know where that one is though!). ROAD TRIP! :)