

Almost done :) It's hard to believe that another school year is coming to a close. What an eventful year it's been. From finding out the day before school started that I was going to be teaching Advanced Algebra (instead of Geometry) to building a teacher float to putting on the 2nd annual Mock Rock and everything in between, it's definitely been a blast. It's amazing. I remember back in high school when my parents and teachers would always remind me to not wish my life away, that as I get older, life will go faster. I didn't believe them. Now, I'm the one saying it to my students. I talked to a lot of my seniors last week about their upcoming graduation and encouraged them to stop a moment and focus on everything that will be going on during the ceremony. I told them to look around, absorb the sounds, the excitment in the air, the looks on their proud parents' faces. I told them to take a moment and live in it. It was surprising how telling that to a few students soon passed through several more in the senior class. I was very proud to watch many of my students walk across the stage last Sunday, receiving their high school diplomas. They have no idea what's in store! Life will throw so many curveballs at them, both good and bad, and I pray that they are ready (as they can be), willing (as we all are to take on things that seem bigger than we are) and able (from past experiences, advice and faith) to take on anything life sends them. I look forward to hearing how they are doing a few years down the road.

Well, I didn't necessarily sit down to start writing all that, but, there it is. Two more days with students and then I'm home free for the summer! Well, except for a 5-day training next week! Haha It's nice to have my finals written and two of the four classes graded thus far. Two more tomorrow then comes the fun - preparing my rooms for the summer. Yay!
PLUS! Our Varsity Baseball boys have made it to the State Semi-Final game THIS FRIDAY in Battle Creek! WHOO HOO!!! Way to go! They beat Dewitt 9-1 today to make it to top 4 in the state! Can't wait to get to the game on Friday and cheer them on. Oh the sweet sweet victory it would be for the Big Reds!
***Tonight, though, the focus is on the Red Wings. Currently, the game is 1-0 (Pens), in the 2nd period. Wings are getting NO calls from the refs and Pens are playing dirty. Luckily, the Wings have destiny on their side and I have confidence that Brett Lebda and his Wings will be hoisting the cup again this year just like in 2008! PAINT PITTSBURG RED!!!!!

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