
Day 10

Austin's hair has been getting LONG... I think that he could have donated it to locks of love... hahaha It was definitely like a helmet -- and he LIKED IT! Until today. Today, he decided he a) wanted it cut; b) wanted my dad to cut it; and c) wanted it to look like it had in high school. Whew! What a task for some motley hair! Here are some pics from the Jones Barber Shop located in the main bathroom! haha (He'll shave his beard when he shoots a buck...)

*Oh, brother...

*Barber Jones...

*Still got a lot of hair on that head...

*The pic he said he wanted his hair to look like again...

*The finished product! Will he be a return customer?

1 comment:

kathryn said...

Austin looked like a werewolf with all that hair!