What a week.
I had a lot of good support from staff members and family alike for the event. I have some good friends at the school here that really take care of me. From coming early just to let me rant to making sure I got changed out of my wig and costume before going out with them after. I'm truly blessed that way. Yes, I did say wig. I was part of the "Special Guests" act - I was a back up singer with another teacher for the song "Proud Mary" by Tina & Ike Turner. Hilarious. If I get the gumption, I'll post the video when it's done. It looked rediculous I'm sure but the kids loved it! And as a teacher, that's what counts!
After the craziness of Tuesday, Wednesday hit hard when we found out Kodiak was not going to make it through the day. And it wasn't fair to her to ask her to make it any further. She was suffering. For the past few weeks she has not been feeling well, but has adapted, as have we, to a slower-paced lifestyle. Last Thursday, however, she quit eating and started to go down hill pretty fast. We put her in the vet hospital on Monday so they could hydrate her to see if it would help. Tuesday she was better, but Wednesday when we went to see her you could tell it was her time to go. As hard as it was, it was best for her. She lived almost 14 years with our family and we've loved every minute of it. She was able to live long enough to meet Austin's new puppy Sekoia and spend 7 years with our yellow lab Tundra. (I'll post pics of them too!) We wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Amazing to think she's been part of my life since I was 10 years old. I'm so glad for all the memories!
Well, enough sadness. My students are watching Shrek 2 and working on missing/late work as the 9 weeks ends tomorrow. 3 quarters down, 1 quarter to go before summer :) WOW the year flies! And, to top that, I DO NOT have to teach Summer Accelerated Algebra like I did last year, which took me into July. YAY! Thanks to Hawks for stepping up :) Spring Break starts tomorrow at 11:00am - we still have to be here until 2:30 but students are gone by 10:40am! YAY! Much to do. MUCH TO DO on spring break. Can't say it'll be much of a break, but it will be a change of pace for a little over a week. The grandparents are coming back from Florida within the next couple of weeks so that's exciting as well. I hate it when they're gone. Things just don't seem right without them, especially with all the stress we've had this time. We've missed their support and love!!!
I'll post pictures later this evening of all my recent events :)
*****This spring break: In my mind, I'm gone to Carolina*****
The Stars Aligned Against Me
Until then, I'm hunkering down and going to knit the night away, trying to take my mind off things.
Here goes nothin'...
In October I was given the opportunity to fly in a 4-seater airplane to a math conference in Lansing. One of the other math teachers, Cindy H., has her pilot's license and offered to fly a couple of us up there to meet the rest of the bunch. Surprisingly, I said yes! I've never been one to LOVE flying (though once I'm in the air I don't mind it) and I'm not very adventuresome, but for whatever reason, I never second-guessed my decision to fly in this teeny-tiny plane to Lansing.... Even the night before, when I would usually have difficulty getting settled and would be a little nervous, I felt nothing. It was one of the oddest feelings, knowing that I don't do stuff like that without thinking twice and weighing my options. We had to be at the Ann Arbor Airport by 7:15 as we were to take off about 7:40am. The conference started at 8:30 am and it would only take us about 30 minutes to get to Lansing.
I pulled into the airport and right up to the hanger where the plane was still parked inside. Clint K. and I were the passengers and Cindy H., the pilot. Cindy was doing all the final checks on the plane before we pulled it out of the hanger (yes, we! It's small enough that the three of us could pull it out of the hanger....) and climbed in.
Once we did climb in, Clint was the co-pilot and I sat in the back seat. We put on our headsets (in order to communicate with each other) and Cindy went through the instrument panel checks. It was brisk so the windows kept fogging up - no defrost on the plane.... Cindy then communicated with the tower and got us cleared for take-off.
Clint looked back at me, giving me a look almost to say, "Well, this is it. Say a little prayer!" We lined up on the runway towards the west and started accelerating. I took a deep breath and began praying....and praying...and praying! Next thing I knew, we were off the ground and assending into the deep blue morning sky! The sun had not risen yet but was just beginning to come over the horizon behind us! I could see the blocks of land, the roads, I-94 backed up towards Jackson in the early morning traffic. Amazing. Indescribable. We flew over Dexter and Chelsea and off we went towards Lansing. I pulled out my camera and took a ton of shots of the sunrise behind us! With very little cloud cover, the colors were magnificent. God really knows how to paint a breath-taking picture.
We flew on towards Lansing, taking in all the sights and listening to Cindy tell us about the landmarks below, various towers and cement domes that guide the way to Lansing. Before entering the Lansing Airport Airspace, Cindy had to communicate via the headset that we were coming, who we were, etc. The air traffic controller in Lansing, though, could not hear her....AHHHH! Clint looks back at me and I look back at him with a sort of panic on our faces. Cindy was so calm, though! She told Clint what to do and had him communicate our location and information to the controller. Way to go Clint! Before we knew it, we were landing in Lansing where Ron was there to pick us up! We felt like big-shots as we got out of our plane right at the terminal with our briefcases and walked right in to our ride to the conference! Goose, Mavrick & Iceman have arrived!
The conference went well but all we could think about was flying back home in the beautiful blue sky! Once we arrived back at the airport, Cindy had to look up the weather & wind information before we could take off. She then checked over the airplane again before we got in and settled for take-off #2. Small problem....The engine wouldn't start.... Trying not to panic, I thought about something else...anything else. She called her instructor and through some trial and error, they figured out how to get it turned over. Still, I couldn't let it go through my head that I was going to be a thousand feet in the air in a plane that had a hard time starting for about 10 minutes before we took off.... Here we go....
The ride back wasn't as smooth due to a little bit of wind but the view was just as gorgeous. With it being the afternoon, we were able to see the State Capital Building, the Grand River in Lansing, Michigan State University's campus (including the football stadium and dorms!), the Huron River in Ann Arbor, the new location for Mott's Children's Hospital, Briarwood Mall and Michigan Stadium. Cindy asked for permission from the Ann Arbor Airport traffic controller to circle Michigan Stadium so I could get some pictures! VERY COOL!!!!!!
Landing went well and we pushed the plane back into it's little hanger at the Ann Arbor Airport. What an amazing experience! Would I do it again with her as the pilot, YOU BET. Would I go with another pilot??? We'll see. I'm so glad that I didn't hesitate and overthink before having what was truly an amazing and breath-taking experience!
Check out the picture slideshow here! :)
Carmel Adventures!

I Finally Took A Day Off!
Well, I finally did it. I took my first official paid day off!!! Yay! What did I do all day? Graded. What a day off! I did feel very refreshed after getting caught up. Last week was homecoming at MHS. I am one of the class advisors for the class of 2012 along with Casey. Because of that, we got the opportunity to help our students with float building all week. It was a lot of fun, don't get me wrong, but whew was I worn out by the end of the week! I even chaperoned the dance Saturday night! Good times though :)
Teaching is going well. Advanced Algebra & I are not necessarily the best of friends....I struggle a lot more with the curriculum of Advanced Algebra and am just trying to stay ahead of the students. Most of the time it works, sometimes, though it doesn't. It's definitely a challenge for me to teach that class. Hopefully next year will be easier. I love Algebra, though. This is practically my third time teaching it and I feel pretty confident in the topics.
Video Production is going great! The students designed a backdrop and we hired my great-grandma to sew the 8'9" by 11'6" backdrop in a week...I think she almost drowned in it! But it sure looks amazing! My dad and I also built an actual news desk (instead of using a fold-up table) that looks great as well! The students are really working hard and investing a lot of time and energy into making a great program at MHS. It's starting to get noticed throughout the school and I am so proud of them! Check out the web-site here!
Enough about school. I cannot believe that it is already 1 week before November! It's insane! Time is sure flying. I know they always say time flies even more as you get older but I don't know how it could fly any more than it is. With November right around the corner comes the holiday season, an amazing time with family and friends and a time that I treasure each and every year! I can't help but have a little bit of excitement for it to arrive but at the same time I don't want to rush through what's going on in life right now!