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April 2010 Photos

Here's April!!!

Florida Pics (End of March)

Shana & I decided to take a quick trip to Florida a couple weeks before spring break. What a great time away from all the craziness surrounding school :)

March 2010 Photos

Well, I got swamped with school and thus failed to update...for 3 months! I have compiled slideshows for each of the months to get me caught up.... And I find time to write tonight as several tornado warnings are going through the area and, well, I just can't sleep when things like that go down....


Day 113 -- February 28

*The baby hat I made for Emma! :) So cute!!!

*Tundra's all cuddled up and ready for bed!

Day 112 -- February 27

*Didn't know my camera could/would do this...it's 16 shots...hmmm...

*Finally able to put my bangs back in bobby pins. They used to be too short!!!! Someday I'll have a normal hair style again. For now, I've moved up from headbands to bobby pins! YES!

Day 111 -- February 26

Today we celebrated Nancy's birthday by having dinner at La Fuente & then taking salsa dancing lessons next door. It was SO MUCH FUN and I can't wait to go back. I am, however, not such a great dancer. I can't remember the steps! hahaha So fun though!

*My fajitas at La Fuente. Amazing.

*The birthday girl!

*Our dance instructor Luc with one of Nancy's friends

*Our other dance instructor Ashley

*Dancing Queens :)

Day 107 -- February 22

*Sekoia decided to not lay ENTIRELY on the bed...What a weirdo....

*I decided Sekoia should pose with Alvin. She feels otherwise.

*Don't EAT HIM!!!!!!!

*My encouraging mother ;)

*Yup. Still snowing! But it sure is beautiful!

Day 106 -- February 21

*Cory, Karen & Madison Willett :) Great friends at church. Just made Karen's new hat this afternoon :)

Day 104 -- February 19

*Sunshine in the winter months ;)

*Beautiful orchids.

Tonight, Denny J & I decided we were going to go to Champion House in Ann Arbor. However, it was going to be a 45 min wait, at least, so I convinced him to go to Mongolian BBQ instead. He'd never been so he was ready for the adventure. It was still a 40 minute wait. Oh well! Denny J decided to be a tough guy and eat LOTS of jalapeños in his 2nd bowl as well as all sorts of hot sauces & spices. He was already sweating when he got to the end of his bowl but I noticed he left most of the jalapeños on his plate. Of course, I dared him to eat one. He ate the biggest (his fault) and everything, for him, went downhill from there!!! ;) He ended up having to step outside to cool off and had a stomach ache long into Saturday afternoon! Serves him right for picking the biggest!

*Denny J with his Mongolian BBQ :) (before jalapeño incident....)

Day 102 -- February 17

*My flowers I bought myself :)

*My flowers I bought myself :)

Day 101 -- February 16

*Oh puppy dog.


Day 99 -- February 14

Valentine's day! And, more importantly, the 18th annual "Big Little Chili Cook-Off" at Milan Church of Christ! There's been a lot of trash talking going on about the top chili, especially between Cory, Nick & Shana.....well, SHANA WON! Nick (well, Stephanie, his wife) came in 2nd and Cory got honorable mention. I tied for third place with my Grandpa Campbell...but I didn't make the chili.....hahaha my mom did! So much fun though!

*I LOVE the olympics

*The sunset from the moving car

*The sunset from the moving car

*Mom's third place chili

*MaryAnn E.'s homemade chocolate covered strawberries -- look how GOOD they look!

*The winning chili -- Shana & Aunt Ann's

*Announcing the winners! Way to go Campbell girls!

*Stephanie (2nd place), Shana (1st place) and Cory (honorable mention)...Cory's face says it all!

Day 98 -- February 13

Austin, Alissa, Brooke (Alissa's sister) and I went snowmobiling today! So much fun! Austin & Alissa snowmobile a lot but it's not every day that they ask me to tag along. I'm not very good (or daring) but it was so much fun! We went about 40 miles throughout the afternoon and made our way through the back roads and fields southwest of Saline. Great times! Hopefully we'll get to do it again! We just need a little more snow! We even spooked 9 deer (at least 3 bucks) that ran across a field RIGHT in front of us! I couldn't get my camera out fast enough to capture the beauty!

*Austin resting in the middle of a field.

*In my balaclava :) So much fun!

*The view from where we rested! Directly down the hill is US-12 & Harry's Furniture

*Alissa jumping a drift back at the Robison house

*I could never quite get my little camera to capture Austin jumping....I'll have to get out my 50D next time to see if I can capture the moment!

Day 97 -- February 12

Today at school was a PD day full of many adventures....good thing there's no school on Monday! It was also the 29th annual Banana Split Party! Yum! Good times (and banana splits) were had by all and the evening wrapped up with everyone sitting down and enjoying the Vancouver 2010 olympic opening ceremony. I LOVE the olympics! GO TEAM USA! (and sometimes Team Canada too!)

*Our orchid blooming yet again! Beautiful!

*Fire in the hole!

*Mom relaxing & watching the opening ceremony of the 2010 olympics

Day 96 -- February 11

Happy Birthday Sweet 16 -- Chey!!!!!!!!!!! Can't believe my little cuz is driving today! Man do I FEEL OLD!

*Austin actually took this picture -- he thought he'd be cool and use my 50D...He actually did pretty well! Look at those vicious teeth & eyes on Sekoia!

*Here's the Sekoia we know and love...a little calmer!

Day 95 -- February 10

SNOW DAY!!!!!!!!!!! We finally got our snow day! Most of lower Michigan did, too! It was beautiful to wake up to. It was even nicer because we found out the night before! Enjoyed sleeping in and playing in the snow with Tundra & Sekoia while Dad and Austin rode snowmobiles. It would have been count day at school so tomorrow we have count day (run all 8 classes) and then a PD day on Friday and no school Monday :) What a fun week!

*Two hats I crocheted this week. Pretty pleased with them!

*Dad on his toy!

*The dogs LOVING the snow! There's a video below (it's like 4:30 min long...) of the dogs playing in the snow! So cute!

*Austin snowmobiling :)

*Austin riding in the new snow!

*Alissa & her sister Brooke riding...trying to catch up to Austin

Snow Dogs 2.10.10 from Erin Jones on Vimeo.

Day 94 -- February 9

*A somewhat unfocused shot of the snow falling...the night before our snow day :)

Day 92 -- February 7

*My beautiful mother!

Day 91 -- February 6

*The scarf I crocheted for Shana -- It was prettier in person and it has two flowers on each end :)

Day 90 -- February 5

*Playing with yarn :)

Day 88 -- February 3

*Oh the joys of wearing a headband daily. I'm pretty sure that I'll have permanent dents behind my ears by the time my hair gets back to normal....